Sunday, October 7, 2012

IDEA on IEPs: Supplementary Aids and Services

As mentioned in my first post a few weeks ago, the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) contains pertinent information related to IDEA legislation, including extensive details on IEP planning and execution. NICHCY explains IDEA's legalese with relevant examples of how the law has been interpreted, implemented, and expanded through subsequent reauthorizations. Under the umbrella of  "Contents of the IEP,"  NICHCY offers links to 13 sections that flesh out IEPs' component parts. Of the links, only two ("Extent of Nonparticipation" and "Service Delivery") do not contain the specific heading "IDEA's Exact Words," though both still quote the legislation.

Under the "Supplementary Aids and Services" heading, NICHCY offers a more comprehensive look at aids and services provided for students with disabilities than offered in the brief IDEA excerpt. While I initially associated supplementary aids with technological supports such as communication devices, the article broadened my definition of what types of supports can be given. Knowing the array of options as well as the process for explicitly defining them in a student's IEP will be indispensible information for me to possess as a special educator. 

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